
0.5.0 (2021-05-04)

Continuous Integration

  • commitlint: ensure upstream/master uses main repo URL [skip ci] (7f56a30)

  • gemfile+lock: use ssf customised kitchen-docker repo [skip ci] (a99e057)

  • gitlab-ci: add rubocop linter (with allow_failure) [skip ci] (335dba5)

  • gitlab-ci: use GitLab CI as Travis CI replacement (5f7ebf4)

  • kitchen+ci: use latest pre-salted images (after CVE) [skip ci] (ca24121)

  • kitchen+gitlab: adjust matrix to add 3003 [skip ci] (cfb2dea)

  • kitchen+gitlab-ci: use latest pre-salted images [skip ci] (e902003)

  • pre-commit: add to formula [skip ci] (a1fc4a7)

  • pre-commit: enable/disable rstcheck as relevant [skip ci] (e3f2b25)

  • pre-commit: finalise rstcheck configuration [skip ci] (b297224)

  • pre-commit: update hook for rubocop [skip ci] (b85c2cd)



  • standardise use of share suite & _mapdata state [skip ci] (22c784e)

  • pillar/redhat: disable IdentLookups for Fedora-33 (0461052)