
0.8.0 (2020-12-16)

Continuous Integration

  • gemfile.lock: add to repo with updated Gemfile [skip ci] (c6140e2)

  • gitlab-ci: use GitLab CI as Travis CI replacement (0851056)

  • kitchen: use saltimages Docker Hub where available [skip ci] (b5ca89a)

  • kitchen+travis: add new platforms [skip ci] (b9e383b)

  • kitchen+travis: adjust matrix to add 3000.2 & remove 2018.3 [skip ci] (5248c38)

  • kitchen+travis: adjust matrix to add 3000.3 [skip ci] (b490acf)

  • kitchen+travis: remove master-py2-arch-base-latest [skip ci] (31fd36b)

  • pre-commit: add to formula [skip ci] (c52698c)

  • pre-commit: enable/disable rstcheck as relevant [skip ci] (9522b01)

  • pre-commit: finalise rstcheck configuration [skip ci] (d8c63a6)

  • travis: add notifications ⇒ zulip [skip ci] (0fd68c1)

  • workflows/commitlint: add to repo [skip ci] (e86ecaa)


  • tls: manage tls on slapd conf (1d83044)

0.7.2 (2020-04-10)


0.7.1 (2020-04-10)

Bug Fixes

  • slapd.conf: fix additional module loading (86e1b2b)

0.7.0 (2020-04-05)


  • indexes: add indexes management in slapd.conf (afee20b)


  • config_spec: add test for indexes management in slapd.conf (0813e52)

0.6.2 (2020-04-05)


  • config_spec: add InSpec control to test include file (bb36517)

  • config_spec: fix tests related to root/wheel group (4427c98)

0.6.1 (2020-04-04)

Bug Fixes

  • include-ex-pat: do work`exclude_pat` and slapd_inc dir refactor (4f28537)

0.6.0 (2020-04-03)

Bug Fixes

  • salt-lint: fix all errors (6b1f970)

  • yamllint: fix all errors (dd94ea5)

Code Refactoring

  • maps: remove duplicates and improve efficiency (73f5e8b)


  • readme: move to docs/ directory and apply common structure (0d62057)


  • semantic-release: implement for this formula (9188fb7)


  • inspec: add package, config & service tests + pillar (13f7250)